City Council
The City Council has five members on the council, one of which is the Mayor. The Mayor is elected among the council members and serves as Mayor until the next council election. The City General Election is held every two odd years. The council terms are two and four-year terms. The two candidates with the highest votes get four-year terms, and the next highest gets a two-year term.
The agenda is prepared the Thursday before the Monday of the meeting and is posted on the bulletin board in City Hall. All residents are encouraged to attend council meetings and will be allowed to address the council during the section on the Agenda called Petitions.
Council Meetings & Study Sessions
Study Session on the first and third Monday of each month starting at 6:00 PM
Council Meeting on the third Monday of each month starting at 7:30 pm unless otherwise noted
City Hall, 27400 Southfield Rd.
Agendas & Minutes - Information Available at Municode Meetings
Meeting Agenda
Agenda Packets
YouTube Video of Meetings.
Kelly Garrett | Mayor | 248.557.2600, ext. 285 | |
Bruce Kantor | Mayor Pro-Tem | 248.557.2600, ext. 286 | |
Jalen C. Jennings | Council Member | 248.557.2600, ext. 287 | |
Dalton Barksdale | Council Member | 248.557.2600, ext. 288 | |
Jason Hammond | Council Member | 248.557.2600, ext. 289 |